We provide grant funding to save and improve the lives of at-risk senior dogs across the country. These are just a few of the thousands of senior dogs who got their second chance thanks to the dedication of our grantees and the generosity of supporters like you!

"Both vets are recommending surgery... and I don't know what to do. I'm sorry for reaching out and asking for help, but I'm scared, and I know I can't let my furbaby suffer. But I don't know what to do, as I have my own medical…
dog wrapped in blanket with vet
Luna's owner was worried. The 8-year-old pup was having trouble keeping food down. A trip to the emergency vet revealed that she was suffering from a pyometra, a potentially deadly infection in her uterus. She needed surgery to…
When 9-year-old Katie arrived at Gold Ribbon Rescue, she received full dental x-rays and a comprehensive exam. It turned out that Katie was in dire need of critical dental care. The exterior surface of one tooth had sheared off…
Little Shelter Animal Rescue
Meet Kelly, a 14-year-old Yorkie mix that was found as a stray on the streets of Brooklyn by the Animal Care Center (ACC). Kelly was a high risk for euthanasia because of her age and advanced medical problems. Thankfully, Little…
Peak Lab Rescue
Spangle is a Super Senior that was a little down on his luck until he was sprung from the shelter by Peak Lab Rescue. He was an owner surrender at 12-years-old and the shelter was not a good place for him to be. Peak Lab Rescue…
Carole King
Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue
Carole King was rescued by Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue from a high-kill shelter in Georgia. From the minute they met her, they knew she was a special, older lady, and she needed someone to take the time to get to know her.…
Compassion Without Borders
Sweet Rafael was rescued off the streets. It was obvious to the Compassion Without Borders (CWOB) staff that this angel had been living that way for quite a while.He had a huge, infected wound that was obviously causing him pain…
Pawmetto Lifeline
Napoleon was surrendered to the City of Columbia [South Carolina] animal shelter at eight-years-old. This adorable Pomeranian found himself homeless because his family could no longer afford to care for him. Sadly, Napoleon is…
Prairie Paws Animal Shelter
Gramps may be close to retirement, but he still has lots of pep in his step! This senior Mastiff mix came to Prairie Paws Animal Shelter a little underweight at 87 pounds and as a stray, so not much is really known about his past…