Grey Muzzle is honored to present the following special grant awards:

This special grant allows Poodle and Pooch Rescue to launch their “Golden Ticket” program. A golden ticket will assist owners with medical expenses for their senior dogs, preventing surrender due to financial circumstances. This grant is made possible by the generosity of Bill L. in memory of his beloved Carlos. Bill says about Carlos, "He was the light of my life and comforted me in tough times. I am a better person for being a daddy to this special dog. Everyone who met him loved him, and he loved everyone he met."
The third annual Susan P. Grant was awarded to Second City Canine Rescue of the Chicago area. This funding will provide much-needed medical care, dental exams, and periodontal treatments for senior dogs. Sue's grant honors her love for her precious dogs Josie, Abbee, Ski, Barree, and Buttercup. Her compassion for less fortunate senior dogs runs deep. Sue shared, "Every dog should have the opportunity to live with dignity, surrounded by love, care, and compassion, especially in their later years."

Misty Eyes Animal Center in the Indianapolis area received a Grey Muzzle grant in loving memory of Larry, fondly known as Mr. Sunshine. Larry’s daughter, Stephanie, donated in her dad’s memory, and said, “If [we] could aid in helping pups live out their lives happy and comfortable, that would be Larry’s ultimate goal.” Misty Eyes will use their grant for blood work, dental care, and extensive medical treatment to improve senior dogs’ quality of life and chances for adoption.
PAWS Atlanta received a Grey Muzzle grant thanks to the generosity of Button and Rod Cook. This special grant honors their beloved senior dog, Story, and all the joy she brings to their lives. The funding will provide lifesaving medical care to at-risk senior dogs in Georgia, helping them heal and find new, loving homes. As the Cooks said, "We are honored to have a grant dedicated to Story. She is our first adopted senior and has taught us so much. We are very grateful."

A Grey Muzzle grant will allow Live Love Animal Rescue to support senior dogs in their hospice program, Forever Foster, providing medical care, quality nutrition, nourishing experiences, and loving families. This grant is made possible by the generosity of Phil J. in memory of his beloved daughter, Ashley. Phil shared, "Ashley would be proud of this special grant in her name, as am I. I know Ash is smiling down at the sweet old pups getting second chances because of Grey Muzzle's work."
If you are interested in creating a special grant in memory or in honor of a beloved pet or person, please contact Denise Fleck.