We provide grant funding to save and improve the lives of at-risk senior dogs across the country. These are just a few of the thousands of senior dogs who got their second chance thanks to the dedication of our grantees and the generosity of supporters like you!

grey and white pitbull smiling
Slugger ended up at a local city shelter after being found limping, and clearly in pain from what turned out to be a dislocated hip. A note from the shelter veterinarian said, "The surgery to fix this condition is beyond…
black smiling dog with grey muzzle
Sadly, the pandemic took a financial toll on Holly’s family. As much as they loved her, they simply couldn’t afford her care and asked Mostly Mutts to help find her a new home. Holly’s gentle and loving personality…
light colored beagle smiling
Spike is an adorable 10-year-old beagle mix who is gentle and sweet with every person he meets. His human dad had to move into assisted living and could no longer care for Spike. Before he could find a new home, Spike needed…
Peace of Mind Dog Rescue
"Both vets are recommending surgery... and I don't know what to do. I'm sorry for reaching out and asking for help, but I'm scared, and I know I can't let my furbaby suffer. But I don't know what to do, as I have my own medical…
dog wrapped in blanket with vet
Second Chance Animal Services
Luna's owner was worried. The 8-year-old pup was having trouble keeping food down. A trip to the emergency vet revealed that she was suffering from a pyometra, a potentially deadly infection in her uterus. She needed surgery to…
Gold Ribbon Rescue
When 9-year-old Katie arrived at Gold Ribbon Rescue, she received full dental x-rays and a comprehensive exam. It turned out that Katie was in dire need of critical dental care. The exterior surface of one tooth had sheared off…
dog and man
Carolina Poodle Rescue
When you meet "the one," your heart just knows!When 13-year-old Walter came into the care of Carolina Poodle Rescue (CPR), they said, "Our Grey Muzzle grant made it easy for us to quickly respond when one of our local shelters…
two dogs in a car
Bert & Ernie
Harbor Humane Society
Check out these three adorable smiles! Senior bonded beagles Bert and Ernie were found wandering alone as strays. These best friends were clearly inseparable, and the staff at Harbor Humane in Michigan knew they needed to stay…
man and dog embracing
Can't you just feel the love between these two? When Maruka wasn't feeling well, her dad Noel went above and beyond to find help fast.Recently, when Noel tried to give Maruka her heart medication, she cried out in pain any time…