We provide grant funding to save and improve the lives of at-risk senior dogs across the country. These are just a few of the thousands of senior dogs who got their second chance thanks to the dedication of our grantees and the generosity of supporters like you!

Leo was found wandering the streets crying and whimpering. He was taken to the local Humane Society where a massive, painful skin infection over most of his body was discovered. Workers were distraught to find lesions on his back…

Chloe is a 10 year old Pomeranian who was abandoned, and when taken in by Posh Pets in New York City, she was emaciated and had kennel cough, alopecia (hair loss), decaying teeth, and mammary tumors. Clearly she had been a…

Brother Wolf Animal Rescue (BWAR)
Hetzel is an older gal and has had quite the journey since being rescued by Brother Wolf Animal Rescue (BWAR) last October. She was one of the dogs evacuated from the Marion County Animal Shelter (South Carolina) in advance of…

Proverbs 12:10 Animal Rescue
At 15 years old, Coco found himself without a family. His owners were an elderly couple - the wife passed away a few years ago and the husband developed dementia. A few months ago, the husband had to move into a facility that did…

Main Line Animal Rescue
Smoke came to Main Line Animal Rescue (MLAR) in the summer of 2010 with 30 other Chihuahuas rescued from a hoarding situation. Philadelphia’s Animal Control officers pulled more than 100 Chihuahuas from a South Philadelphia home…

Pixi and Hefeweizen
Kitty and K-9 Connection
Snort! That’s how we English Bulldogs say hello (and goodbye, and what’s for dinner, etc.) Let me tell you a little about me. I’m Pixi, an 8 year old gal. My job from the time I was young was to make puppies for people called “…

Bandit and Brutus
Bob’s House for Dogs
Bandit and Brutus have been buds for a while. These 14-year-old boys are a bonded pair and were surrendered to a shelter in Wisconsin. The shelter asked Bob’s House for Dogs to take them in because these guys needed some serious…

Kitty and K-9 Connection
When you look at Scooter’s sweet, dappled face, you just know that he is a special boy. He is a perfect example of how resilient senior dogs can be. At 13, Scooter came into rescue with Kitty and K-9 Connection when his owner was…