We provide grant funding to save and improve the lives of at-risk senior dogs across the country. These are just a few of the thousands of senior dogs who got their second chance thanks to the dedication of our grantees and the generosity of supporters like you!

Leo was found wandering the streets crying and whimpering. He was taken to the local Humane Society where a massive, painful skin infection over most of his body was discovered. Workers were distraught to find lesions on his back…

Chloe is a 10 year old Pomeranian who was abandoned, and when taken in by Posh Pets in New York City, she was emaciated and had kennel cough, alopecia (hair loss), decaying teeth, and mammary tumors. Clearly she had been a…

Friends of Homeless Animals
When Sophie, a 9-year-old lab mix, arrived at Friends of Homeless Animals (FOHA) it was discovered that she had degenerative joint disease in her hips and a benign tumor at her elbow. These types of ailments can negatively impact…

Summer, an 8-year old hound mix, was seen wandering in Kaloko on the west side of the Big Island of Hawaii. Worried forher well-being, several neighbors tried to come together and capture her, but she was skittish and wouldn't…

13 YRS
When 13-year-old Hazel was surrendered to the shelter in June, she was severely overweight and struggling with multiple health issues. The clinic staff at Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA immediately fell in love with this easy-…

Petey and Furends
Senior girl Roxie was a stray who found herself in an overcrowded shelter in North Carolina. Petey and Furends stepped in to transport her to Washington D.C. in hopes that greater exposure may help her chances of being adopted.…

14 YRS
Animal Fix Clinic
Carly's owners recently noticed that she wasn't her usual happy self. She was lethargic and not interested in eating. Concerned, they took 14-year-old Carly to their local ER, where she was diagnosed with a terrible infection.…

Foundation for Animal Care and Education (FACE)
Rudy, an eight-year-old Mini Dachshund, took a bad tumble off the couch earlier this fall. He was having trouble getting around the house and was reluctant to go for his usual walks. His loving owner was very worried but was on…