We provide grant funding to save and improve the lives of at-risk senior dogs across the country. These are just a few of the thousands of senior dogs who got their second chance thanks to the dedication of our grantees and the generosity of supporters like you!

Leo was found wandering the streets crying and whimpering. He was taken to the local Humane Society where a massive, painful skin infection over most of his body was discovered. Workers were distraught to find lesions on his back…

Chloe is a 10 year old Pomeranian who was abandoned, and when taken in by Posh Pets in New York City, she was emaciated and had kennel cough, alopecia (hair loss), decaying teeth, and mammary tumors. Clearly she had been a…

Highland County Humane Society
Little Lilly didn't have the happiest beginning to her life and, sadly, her story is very common in rural areas of Virginia. She was bred to be and used as a hunting dog when she was young. Lilly didn't care for hunting much, so…

Norfolk SPCA
Mango is eight-years-young and has spent four years of her life side-by-side with her best friend Jewel. Mango and Jewel were transferred to the Norfolk SPCA because, sadly, they were having difficulty getting adopted and getting…

George Clooney
Live Love Animal Rescue
Meet George Clooney! George ended up at the Long Beach Animal Care Services shelter in California as a stray. No one knows how this nine-year-old terrier got loose, but they do know he's a total charmer and ladies' man!George was…

Detroit Dog Rescue
You have to see Gus' transformation to believe it! Just a few months ago, Gus was a ten-year-old stray fighting for his life on the streets of Detroit. Our new grantee Detroit Dog Rescue (DDR) found him with only three legs, a…

Home Fur Good Animal Rescue and Placement
Tommy is a 10-year-old poodle who is visually impaired and partially deaf. He ended up at the Maricopa County shelter (in AZ) as his owner could no longer care for him. Knowing Tommy might need a little extra help finding a…

Highland County Humane Society
Lele, a ten-year-old Collie mix, was in trouble. Her owner had fallen on hard times and didn't have the resources to care for her. The best her owner could do was to house her in an outdoor run with limited shelter. That's no…