We provide grant funding to save and improve the lives of at-risk senior dogs across the country. These are just a few of the thousands of senior dogs who got their second chance thanks to the dedication of our grantees and the generosity of supporters like you!

Leo was found wandering the streets crying and whimpering. He was taken to the local Humane Society where a massive, painful skin infection over most of his body was discovered. Workers were distraught to find lesions on his back…

Chloe is a 10 year old Pomeranian who was abandoned, and when taken in by Posh Pets in New York City, she was emaciated and had kennel cough, alopecia (hair loss), decaying teeth, and mammary tumors. Clearly she had been a…

Dharma Rescue for Cats & Dogs
A good Samaritan discovered a paralyzed dog laying in a back patio helplessly barking in Tijuana, Mexico. She posted a video of him covered in flies, laying in the hot sun and unable to move. She spoke with his family and they…

Pets Alive
Smokey is an 11-year-old rat terrier who made his way to Pets Alive in New York on a transport mission all the way from Louisiana. While Smokey got a lot of tender loving care from volunteers and staff at Pets Alive, he became…

Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County (Lollypop Farm)
Seven years ago, Ernie came to Lollypop Farm from another shelter on a life-saving rescue waggin’ from Ohio. He was just a puppy at that time and was adopted into a home quickly.Sadly, after seven years, Ernie found himself back…

Heartland Animal Shelter
Snowball is a ten-year-old Shih Tzu mix who was found wandering outside alone and brought into Chicago Animal Care and Control (CACC) with an infected eye. CACC was not able to give him the medical care he needed, so they turned…

Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation
Coco was surrendered to the Southampton Animal Shelter when his family could no longer care for him. This 11-year-old lab was born to be someone’s loyal companion. Remember Shadow from Homeward Bound? Well, that’s Coco!When he…

Auburn Valley Humane Society
When Otis' people noticed he wasn't his usual self, they were quick to bring him into their regular vet. They learned that Otis had bladder stones and they needed to act quickly to save him and relieve his discomfort.…