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Heart Disease and Senior Pets
There’s no single cause of heart disease in dogs. As dogs age, their risk of heart conditions increases. No matter what heart condition your dog has, it’s important to spot the signs early. Dr. Geri Lake-Bakaar will discuss the…
Sundowning and Senior Dogs
If you have an aging pet, you may have experience with sundowners, part of canine cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS), also called doggie dementia. Sundowners causes disorientation, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and other…
brown and white pit bull
Webinar for Prospective Grant Applicants
Join us for an in-depth look at the Grey Muzzle grant application process. You'll learn more about Grey Muzzle's mission and priorities, the types of programs we fund, grant requirements, and how we evaluate each proposal. We…
Techniques to Improve Your Dog's Mobility
As dogs age, so do their muscles and joints. To better support your aging companion, join us as Julia Robertson discusses Galen Myotherapy, a canine massage and exercise rehabilitation therapy, and how it helps…
Dr. Lake-Bakaar
Canine Infectious Respiratory Illness: What You Need to Know
You’ve probably heard about the uptick in cases of atypical canine respiratory disease reported in several states. The illness is likely viral, but there is much we still need to learn. Dr. Geri Lake-Bakaar will discuss what we…
Dr. Nicole Trenholme
Anesthesia and Senior Dogs: What You Need to Know
As our furry family members age, they often develop health conditions that require ongoing management. Chronic health conditions like kidney and heart disease, among others, are more common in older animals and can complicate the…
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Amy Shever: 
Thousands of companion animals are surrendered to US shelters each year simply because their humans passed away or became ill and had never made plans for the continued care of their pets. In this session, Amy Shever of 2nd…
Helen St. Pierre
Anxiety in Senior Dogs
It’s not uncommon for older dogs to undergo behavior changes and experience different kinds of anxiety as they get up in age. Sound sensitivity, isolation anxiety, and even sometimes struggle to settle at night are very common.…
Calming Your Aging Dog Using Touch & Other Methods 
  As our aging dogs begin to lose their senses, they can get anxious. In addition, their bodies don't feel the same as they did when they were younger. This webinar covers basic bodywork (both massage and TTouch) techniques…