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Dog Living Magazine
Read an interview with our founder, Julie Nowicki, for North Carolina's Dog Living Magazine. Find out why she started Grey Muzzle and why she believes this work is so important.
Jenny Kachnic, President, with her dog
Spring News and Notes On New Ways You Can Help Senior Dogs In Need
In celebration of Volunteer Appreciation Week, April 21-27, 2013, I want to personally thank all of The Grey Muzzle Organization’s wonderful and dedicated volunteers.We could not provide care and assistance to so many senior dogs…
Grey Muzzle's Social Circles Blossom
In March, Grey Muzzle's Facebook page welcomed its 10,000th fan! We'd like to thank Grey Muzzle volunteer Jessica Rothfuss, who's managed our Facebook page since 2009, for her continued great work in building Grey…
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Pet Trust Planning Options
Estate planning attorneys around the country say they're seeing an increasing number of clients asking about pet trust planning. These are becoming mainstream and demand for pet trusts and related documents are so great some…