Grey Muzzle's Social Circles Blossom
In March, Grey Muzzle's Facebook page welcomed its 10,000th fan! We'd like to thank Grey Muzzle volunteer Jessica Rothfuss, who's managed our Facebook page since 2009, for her continued great work in building Grey…
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Pet Trust Planning Options
Estate planning attorneys around the country say they're seeing an increasing number of clients asking about pet trust planning. These are becoming mainstream and demand for pet trusts and related documents are so great some…
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Savings Tips For Your Pet's Prescriptions
By Grey Muzzle President Jenny Kachnic and Grey Muzzle Board Member Chandra ConwayDid you know you that with a prescription from your veterinarian you can buy your dog’s medications at your local pharmacy?Hundreds…
Jenny Kachnic
New Year, New Leadership For Grey Muzzle
The Grey Muzzle Organization’s founder Julie Dudley is extremely pleased to announce that Jenny Kachnic is now serving as Grey Muzzle’s president. Kachnic has volunteered with The Grey Muzzle Organization since 2011 as a member…
Abby and her wooby, a stuffed elephant, on her head
‘Tis The Season For Giving Thanks For Rescuers, Grants, And Second Chances At Golden Years
In March 2007, Abby was one of 60 dogs living in chains on a North Carolina property. For shelter, Abby crept into a nearby barrel. The senior Beagle/Blue Heeler blend's coat was “as brittle and sparse as an ancient brush,” wrote…
Two women each with a dog
Why Adopt A Senior Dog?
By Sherri Franklin and Liz Brooking of Muttville Senior Dog Rescue in San Francisco. Excerpted from "Your Dog's Golden Years."The need for senior dog adoption is great. What makes each of the circumstances creating…
We’re Not Getting Any Younger: Lessons from My Old Dogs
By Kelly FastVolunteer, The Grey Muzzle Organization Increasing Life ExpectancyThe Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association published the Geriatric Issue in 2006, observing “America’s pets, like its people…
Sassy, a dog helped by Grey Muzzle
For the Love of Old Dogs
We envision a world where no old dog dies alone and afraid. In 2008, Julie Dudley would turn that personal aspiration into the gripping vision statement of her new venture, The Grey Muzzle Organization.Leaving her corporate…
Max, a senior dog we helped
Thanks to You - Another Successful Grant Cycle!
This was the first year of The Grey Muzzle Organization’s new once-a-year grant cycle. We are incredibly grateful for your support in helping homeless senior dogs. Your generous donations made this grant cycle possible.Thanks to…