MAAP—Address the needs of your pet by Debra A. Vey Voda-Hamilton

The previous article introduced you to the concept of making a plan for the care of your pet. In that article you were encouraged to: Address your pet’s uniqueness. List their identifying characteristics including color, sex, age, and microchip number, if applicable. This information will be invaluable to those left to care for your family...

The Dogs of Olde: Notable Dogs in History by Katie Kapro

Most of us, whether we’ll admit it in a public forum or not, think our dogs deserve to be famous—either for their weirdness, their cute expressions, their loyalty, or their funny habits. (Thus, internet sensations like the aww subreddit). Add that to the fact that their quirks only increase with age and become more endearing...

MAAP—Navigating the journey your pet will take if you cannot provide care by Debra A. Vey Voda-Hamilton

When you share your life with an animal companion, planning for your loved one’s short- and long-term care is imperative. They are counting on you to assure their care no matter what. The older your pet is, the more they need a plan for future care. Most people believe that setting up directives in their...

The Duke of Happy by Robert Jachens and Tracy Ferea

If we at Thulani ever forget why we do what we do, it only takes a message like this to remind and reinvigorate us. And to remember to thank all of you generous donors who make this work possible. The vet at West LA Shelter called me in a panic—she will have to euthanize this...