Traveling With a Senior Dog by Alexandra Seagal

As the annual family vacation draws nearer, there’s one fluffy member of the family that you’ll need to spend extra time thinking about - your senior pooch. He may have shared many a road trip, and hiking adventure with you - but as he gets on in years, it’s important to remember that his needs...

Adopting Retired K-9s and Military Dogs - by Katie Kapro

Adopting any senior dog is a tremendous gift to both the person and the pup—they enrich our lives as much as we do theirs. And that, obviously, is an oversimplification. Wisdom says that choosing the right dog is all about finding the best animal for one’s environment and temperament. But there’s even more to it...

MAAP Plan—Publish by Debra A. Vey Voda-Hamilton

In the prior three articles we talked about the plans you need to make that will provide care for your pet, the people you appoint to carry out those plans, and plans to address the needs of your individual pet(s). These articles help pet owners learn how to navigate the journey their pets will take...

Appoint by Debra A. Vey Voda-Hamilton

In our initial discussion of navigating the journey your pets take if you cannot care for them we talked about creating a MAAP (Make a plan, Address needs, Appoint caregivers, Publish plan). This MAAP will help others care for your pets in the way you intended. People think the only time they need a plan...