Modern Dog Crew
Modern Dog spreads the word about Grey Muzzle’s mission to help senior dogs thrive
We are thrilled to be featured in Modern Dog, a lifestyle magazine for modern dogs and their companions. Raising awareness of senior dogs helps us take a step closer to our vision of a world where every senior dog thrives and no…
Spike Smiling Up Close
New Smiles Create New Beginnings for Senior Dogs: Summer Smile Campaign and 2023 Calendar Contest
MATCHED Gift Dental Campaign to Improve Senior Dog SmilesThe Grey Muzzle Organization is kicking off the seventh annual Summer Smile campaign with a goal of raising $25,000 by September 8 to support and grow our dental fund. And…
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Old Dogs Learn New Tricks: Senior Dogs Fetch Lifesaving Grants
Old dogs have something to bark about as The Grey Muzzle Organization announces more than $705,000 in grants to 78 animal welfare groups—shelters, rescue groups, sanctuaries and other nonprofits working to save and improve the…
Senior Dog Adoration: Meet our #GreyMuzzleGratitude Contest Winners
In celebration of Adopt a Senior Pet Month and the thankfulness of the season, we asked everyone who adores an older dog (distinguished grey muzzle on full display or not) to help spread the word by sharing #GreyMuzzleGratitude…
Enter Our #GreyMuzzleGratitude Contest
Share the Joy of Adopting a Senior Dog and Encourage Others to Do the SameIf you share your life with an amazing aging dog, tell the world how grateful you are for your senior best friend! In celebration of Adopt a Senior Pet…
Grey Muzzle 2022 Calender
Order Your 2022 Grey Muzzle Calendar Today!
If a senior dog has ever touched your heart and shared your home, our calendar is for you. Grey Muzzle’s 2022 calendar celebrates the bond we share with our old dogs and it features dozens of the pictures you submitted during our…
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Grey Muzzle Ends Fiscal Year On a High!
It’s been a year of expansion and excitement at The Grey Muzzle Organization and we are incredibly grateful for your support.  The Grey Muzzle Organization’s Spring/Summer 2014 Grant Cycle was a great success!  It…
Logo, Grey Muzzle Grant Recipient
It's Grant Time Again - Woop Woop!
It's that time again!  The Grey Muzzle Organization has just concluded its funding decisions for the Spring-Summer 2014 grant cycle.  All new and renewed grantee partners will be proudly sporting this fantastic badge on…
A package of Toe Grips
Vote for Advisory Board Member Dr. Julie Buzby's ToeGrips!
Dr. Julie Buzby, Grey Muzzle Advisory Board member, has developed ToeGrips for dogs, assistive devices which enable instant traction and confident mobility. She has applied for a $25,000 business grant from Wells Fargo for…