Logo, Grey Muzzle Grant Recipient
Changes To Grey Muzzle Grant Cycle
In an effort to improve our granting process, better support our grantees, and grow our organization in the most efficient manner, The Grey Muzzle Organization has moved to one grant cycle annually, in the Spring-Summer of each…
Lindsey and Julie
Our Amazing, Talented Board!
We’re thrilled to announce two new Board Members joining us at The Grey Muzzle Organization!  We welcome Lindsay Nuismer as our Treasurer & Secretary and Julie Gonzalez as our Fundraising Chair.…
Daley and Chandra
Changing of the Guard...
On behalf of the Grey Muzzle Board, I would like to acknowledge and thank Chandra Conway for serving two years on the board of directors and as our Marketing and Editorial Committee Chairperson.  As she steps down from these…
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Grey Muzzle Ends Fiscal Year On a High!
It’s been a year of expansion and excitement at The Grey Muzzle Organization and we are incredibly grateful for your support.  The Grey Muzzle Organization’s Spring/Summer 2014 Grant Cycle was a great success!  It…
Logo, Grey Muzzle Grant Recipient
It's Grant Time Again - Woop Woop!
It's that time again!  The Grey Muzzle Organization has just concluded its funding decisions for the Spring-Summer 2014 grant cycle.  All new and renewed grantee partners will be proudly sporting this fantastic badge on…
A package of Toe Grips
Vote for Advisory Board Member Dr. Julie Buzby's ToeGrips!
Dr. Julie Buzby, Grey Muzzle Advisory Board member, has developed ToeGrips for dogs, assistive devices which enable instant traction and confident mobility. She has applied for a $25,000 business grant from Wells Fargo for…
Grey Muzzle featured on People.com
People.com Pets featured an article headlined "Senior Dog Prom is a Real Thing and Your Pooch Can Participate," encouraging old dog lovers everywhere to snap and share prom pictures of their pets on social media. …
Grey Muzzle featured in The BARk
The Winter 2016 Bark Magazine shared a great article by Laura Coffey, author of  My Old Dog: Rescued Pets with Remarkable Second Acts & Lori Fusaro, the photographer for My Old Dog entitled "…
Grey Muzzle featured in Modern Dog Magazine
We were featured in the article “This Amazing Organization is Helping At-Risk Senior Dogs” on Modern Dog’s homepage. Read more here: http://moderndogmagazine.com/articles/amazing-org-helping-risk-senior-dogs/…