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Dog Living Magazine
Read an interview with our founder, Julie Nowicki, for North Carolina's Dog Living Magazine. Find out why she started Grey Muzzle and why she believes this work is so important.
Grey Muzzle featured in The Huffington Post
Jen Reeder's dog, Rio, was the inspiration for an article she wrote for The Huffington Post entitled, "I'm So Glad My Dog Was Just Invited to the Senior Dog Prom."  We're so glad she shared her story…
Grey Muzzle featured on Pets featured an article headlined "Senior Dog Prom is a Real Thing and Your Pooch Can Participate," encouraging old dog lovers everywhere to snap and share prom pictures of their pets on social media. …
Grey Muzzle featured in The BARk
The Winter 2016 Bark Magazine shared a great article by Laura Coffey, author of  My Old Dog: Rescued Pets with Remarkable Second Acts & Lori Fusaro, the photographer for My Old Dog entitled "…