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Abandoned Animal Rescue

Funded in 2014

Abandoned Animal Rescue offers an adoption shelter, an affordable spay-neuter clinic, a wellness center, and community education outreach.  Founded in 2002 by three dedicated animal lovers, AAR is entirely managed and maintain by volunteers. 

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Brown County Humane Society

Funded in 2016

The mission of the BCHS is to promote the welfare, compassionate care and protection of animals, taking all domestic animals brought to us, finding suitable homes for adoptable animals, providing information, raising public awareness of animal issues, and promoting re

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Humane Society of North Texas

Funded 2016, 2022-2024

The Humane Society of North Texas (HSNT) was founded in 1905 and is proud to be the oldest animal welfare organization in Dallas/Fort Worth. HSNT’s mission is to save, shelter, protect, and advocate for all animals in need in North Texas.

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