📅 Order your 2025 Grey Muzzle calendar - proceeds benefit senior dogs!
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This page is dedicated to the Grey Muzzle Always In My Heart donors who celebrate the pets they have cherished by making a special gift in their memory. 

Learn how to make an 'Always in My Heart' donation of $30 or more to support senior dogs in need nationwide.


Dia and Bev

We watched our boy Smoky move from young and sturdy too old and frail, but he was always our darling, whether romping in the snow, jumping in a mountain stream, or coming slowly to lie quietly near us in later years. His eyesight and hearing...



Best Friends Biotechnics
I can not tell you how much richer Bow made my daughter's life. We will always hold tight to our memories of Bow. Bow passed from complications of Cushing's disease, more common in "grey muzzle" older dogs. Run free over the rainbow bridge Bow until...


Vicki Harrington
Leo, my precious puppy, you were like my third child. Your love for our whole family never wavered. In 2007 when our whole world was in upheaval and I had to sell my business and we had to move to a different state and I...


You are always in our heart "Yukie" not a day goes by that we don't miss you. Until we meet again on the Rainbow Bridge.