📅 Order your 2025 Grey Muzzle calendar - proceeds benefit senior dogs!
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This page is dedicated to the Grey Muzzle Always In My Heart donors who celebrate the pets they have cherished by making a special gift in their memory. 

Learn how to make an 'Always in My Heart' donation of $30 or more to support senior dogs in need nationwide.


Joanne Mims

My baby boy who lived in a big scary world but trusted his mommy to keep him safe. I love you so much- fly high



Jen Kain

I lost the love of my life. My beautiful baby Buffy passed away May 7th @ 16 ½ yrs old. It is hard to put into words what she meant to me & how very much I loved her. From blindness at birth to a...

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Zoe & Dewey


I will always be grateful to Zoe for bringing two very special people into my life. She was a sweet and dear soul who I will never forget. Although I never knew Dewey, I have no doubt he was dearly loved and cherished as well...


Karen and Vicki

Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love, they depart to teach us about loss. A new dog never replaces an old dog, it merely expands the heart. If you have loved many dogs, your heart is very big.