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    Tips for Helping Senior Dogs Feel Better by Dr. Marty Becker

    Even the healthiest senior dog can suffer from some of the inevitable effects of aging, including aches, pains, and stiffness. In this post, we recommend articles by veterinary expert and Grey Muzzle Advisory Board Member Dr. Marty Becker on how to help your older dog feel more comfortable.
    Help Your Sick or Senior Pet Feel Better by Dr. Marty Becker

    We all know how hard it is to see pain, illness, or just the aches and stiffness of old age affect someone we love. That’s just as true when it’s our pets who are suffering — they are beloved family members, after all. There are some simple things that you can do, though, to help a sick or elderly animal feel better. Read the full article.


    Should You Give Your Aging Pet Supplements?  by Dr. Marty Becker

    As people get older, I’ve noticed that they become more interested in supplements. Seems as soon as you get your AARP card, you start gulping down vitamins like there’s no tomorrow, in the hopes, I suppose, of making sure you get as many tomorrows as possible, while keeping your brain and your body functioning well.

    Some of these supplements — they’re often called “nutraceuticals” — have clinical research to support their use, while for others, anecdotal evidence paired with clever marketing and celebrity endorsements is all they have to offer.
    As a “veteran veterinarian” — and, yes, I have my AARP card! — I’m certainly not going to advise you on what’s good for your own aging body. That’s up to you and your own doctor to discuss. But I can offer some guidance about what supplements might work for your older dog or senior cat .Read the full article. 


    Treating Your Senior Pet's Aches and Pains by Dr. Marty Becker

    It’s so easy to tell when our animals — even older pets — are happy or joyous. We know that they are glad to see us or excited about going for a walk or passionate about chasing a laser toy. But there’s one thing they will hide from us at all costs: that they’re in pain.

    Managing pain in animals is always a challenge. First of all, cats and dogs can’t tell us where or how much it hurts. Second of all, they probably wouldn’t tell us even if they could. Animals, especially older ones, instinctively try to hide pain or weakness because it puts them at risk from predators. Age is a factor, too. As our pets live longer, they are more likely to develop chronic illnesses that cause pain. And pain in senior pets can be difficult to manage because treating their health issues may conflict with treating their pain.
    Fortunately, we know a lot more these days about recognizing pain in animals, how to relieve it and how to know when our pets are feeling better. Let me share with you some tips that can help your golden oldie stay comfortable even when faced with the chronic pain and disability that so often accompany aging. Read the full article.

    The information presented by The Grey Muzzle Organization is for informational purposes only. Readers are urged to consult with a licensed veterinarian for issues relating to their pet's health or well-being or prior to implementing any treatment.

    The Grey Muzzle Organization improves the lives of at-risk senior dogs by providing funding and resources to animal shelters, rescue organizations, sanctuaries, and other nonprofit groups nationwide.

    The information presented by The Grey Muzzle Organization is for informational purposes only. Readers are urged to consult with a licensed veterinarian for issues relating to their pet's health or wellbeing or prior to implementing any treatment. - See more at: http://greymuzzle.agilesite1.com/cms/getdoc/9f1a8fd8-42b5-4eb4-9d59-0e86010b021a/Keepin-Your-Senior-Dog-Active.aspx?viewmode=3&lang=en-US&langobjectlifetime=request#sthash.n8NKGIGp.dpuf
    About Dr. Marty Becker: For close to 20 years, Dr. Becker, a Grey Muzzle Advisory Board Member, has been the popular veterinary contributor on ABC’s Good Morning America. He is a founding member of The Dr. Oz Show’s Core Team Oz and a member of the Dr. Oz Medical Advisory Panel. He is the Chief Veterinary Correspondent for the American Humane Association and a member of the AHA Board of Directors. He has written 22 books, including three New York Times best seller, and has been a contributor to Parade magazine, Reader’s Digest and AARP.com. When his schedule allows, he practices at two veterinary hospitals in north Idaho.
    Help senior dogs