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    Love is Ageless: Grey Muzzle’s #WhyWeLoveOldDogs Contest Winners Share Why Adopting a Senior Dog Makes Life Sweeter

    From making us smile every day to teaching valuable life lessons, senior dogs bring love and companionship into our lives, as the winners of The Grey Muzzle Organization’s #WhyWeLoveOldDogs contest confirm.

     “Thanks to everyone who shared their love of old dogs on social media and spread the word that senior dogs have so much to offer,” said Lisa Lunghofer, executive director of Grey Muzzle. “We hope these winning entries will be shared far and wide and inspire more people to open their hearts and homes to a senior dog who needs a second chance.”

    Selected from more than 125 entries, the top ten listed below (in no particular order) share touching stories and photos of adorable old dogs which show why old friends are often the best friends.

     1. When adopting a dog, my husband and I knew we wanted someone who would love to be loved. Nigel is a 10 year old Beagle who at some point in his life was a stray. Now his life is filled with   pillows, treats, and belly rubs. His favorite hobby is to sleep as close to a heartbeat as possible and hold you between his paws. If that’s not love, I don’t know what is.

      – Krista McMillan

     2. Because they’re still always up for an adventure! Burger still likes to hike and camp, but in his old age (14) he catches a ride in his dad’s backpack on our longer hikes!

     – Melanie Zimmerman Farnon


     3. Pinky has been with me for 10 years and counting. I adopted her knowing she had been through some things. I think we saved each other and I am so thankful I went to the shelter that day. She is an expert snuggler and she knows how to make a crummy day into a good one. Plus, she makes me laugh every day at the silly things she does.

     – Renee Ardary
     4. Phoebe came to me as a foster at the age of 14. Almost blind she was maneuvering my house within 24 hours, as if she had been here her entire life. Today she’s 19, completely blind, and has a mammary tumor but don’t tell her! She’s still going strong and enjoying life. That’s what old dogs do. She was my first senior foster and I’m so glad I failed. This sometimes cranky old lady makes me smile every day. 
      – Lynda Tersigni


     5. I'm participating in @greymuzzleorg hashtag contest. #WhyWeLoveOldDogs is because, like fine wine, they've become only better with time. Senior dogs have   so  much to offer and adopted seniors in particular offer lessons in compassion and second chances. Older dogs make lives brighter and while they're less likely than puppies to have a rough and tumble play session, they may just surprise you with a spritely romp, just restrained enough to prevent your slippers from being destroyed. And did I mention they're the best snuggle puddle participants? ❤️

     – stewiemartineau IG


     6. When I saw Buddy's face online I knew I had to meet him. He was 12 years old and had been in the shelter for about 2 years - this completely broke my heart. He deserved to live out his life in a home with a family who would cherish him. A few days later he moved in with us and we bonded immediately. Senior dogs have the most beautiful, appreciative souls - they truly understand what   you have done for them. #WhyWeLoveOldDogs
     – Cindy Jane

      7. My old girl Daisy knows when to take time and stop and smell the flowers. Or, you know, wear them #WhyWeLoveOldDogs
      – Kristin Rainboes


     8. #WhyWeLoveOldDogs When someone asks us what we do best, we usually tell them about a job skill or a hobby we've honed. But Bonnie's answer to that question is in her eyes and every   exuberant wag of her tail. It's in the way she gently leans against you and the way she just knows and comforts you when you're sad. "Love," she says. "What I do best is love." The Grey Muzzle   Organization Bonnie, 12 years, De Soto, MO #AdoptASenior
     – Kimberly May


     9. #WhyWeLoveOldDogs Because they emanate pure love and generosity of spirit. They teach us to be kinder and gentler, to be more patient with others and more   appreciative of the world around us, and - most of all - they teach us to treasure each moment with those we hold dear. This is Daisy of Salinas, CA. Adopted   at age 7, shown here at age 10, 17 months post-brain tumor diagnosis.

     –  Rebecca Genauer
     10. Our dogs provide us a mirror into our own lives. From the energy of youth, to the joy of middle age, to the contentment of a   life well lived, they allow us to   learn about ourselves while providing   years of companionship. I didn't meet my beloved Rudy   until he was over 12 years old. He taught me about simple joys in life, contentment, and growing old with dignity...all lessons I   will hope to achieve and use for the remainder of my own life. Frankly, I hope my senior years can be filled with the   simple contentment of being loved that he knew every day.

     – Adam Grant

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