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  • Dr. Julie Buzby

    10 Favorite Things for Senior Dogs 

    Webinar Link

    If you've ever wondered where to find the best things for senior dogs that will help them through their golden years, this webinar is for you! As an integrative veterinarian with over 20 years of experience caring for aging dogs, Dr. Julie Buzby joins us to share her 10 favorite essentials that she recommends for senior canine companions. She'll present her favorite aids, what to look for when considering introducing an aid to your senior dog, and when to use aids for the greatest benefit.


    As an integrative veterinarian, Dr. Julie Buzby seeks to blend the best of Western medicine, alternative therapies and creative tools for maximum wellness in her patients, the majority of whom have grey muzzles. 


    After years of frustration watching her patients struggle on hard floors, she developed Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips for dogs, assistive devices which enable instant traction and confident mobility. Dr. Buzby is passionate about educating clients on a multimodal approach to improving the quality of lives for senior and special needs dogs.

    Help senior dogs