If you’re fortunate, you have lived, or currently live, with an old dog. As cherished companions, the old dogs in our lives enrich our days for as long as we are privileged to have them.
You may find it inconceivable then that a treasured member of the family would be tossed away when signs of old age appear, when extra care is required, or after the kids leave home. But this is all too common. Old dogs are left at shelters, or simply turned loose or left behind, confused and frightened. Abandonment can also happen right at home - old dogs who are no longer wanted are sometimes banished to the garage or exiled to the back yard with little human companionship. And sadly, sometimes people or families who love their old dog are forced to give the dog up due to difficult circumstances.
Currently there are very few rescue groups in the United States that specialize in helping homeless senior dogs, though older dogs are found in every municipal animal shelter and humane society and with rescue leagues of all shapes and sizes. There is a great need for special programs that are unique to old dogs, such as hospice care and health care programs for dogs in loving homes whose people may need a little financial assistance as their dog ages. We believe much more can be done.

Grey Muzzle helps animal welfare organizations nationwide to provide care, comfort, and loving homes for old dogs. The organizations we support are chosen carefully and all have a commitment to senior dogs.
We do this by raising money that is distributed annually, via grants, to animal welfare organizations and rescue groups. These funds are raised through public donations; we are not a privately endowed foundation.
By providing support through grants, we help to build programs around the country that meet the special needs of senior dogs. We support only programs run by nonprofit animal welfare organizations, rigorously evaluate each organization we support, and require accountability. (See Grey Muzzle Grants for more information.)
Examples of programs that Grey Muzzle supports are shown below. Read about the organizations and programs we support, from Washington to California, to Missouri to New York. Meet some of the dogs that benefit from these programs.
- Hospice programs for senior dogs who have life-limiting conditions
- Dental care
- Medical assistance and beds for old dogs at shelters and rescues
- Senior-for-Senior adoption programs, helping senior citizens adopt senior dogs
Your donations will help fund programs like these around the country. Dogs can’t pick their human companions, but they give so much of their lives to us that they deserve our love and care in their senior years.